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What is Semaforum?
Semaforum is a social network for activities where you can find company for sports, travelling and cultural activities. It connects individuals with similar interests
How do I publish a new activity?
You can publish a new activity by clicking the round blue button with the white plus sign in the bottom right corner.
Can I edit/delete my activities?
Of course, you can edit or delete your activities after publishing them by clicking the 'Edit' or 'Delete' button.
How do I pick the right keywords?

The purpose of keywords is to make searching for activities easier. Enter the words that best describe your activity. For example: name of the activity, location of the activity, what kind of an activity it is, …
Pick the words other users will more likely find you through when entering them in the search tab.

Examples of keywords for travelling: Road trip, Backpack, Australia, Los Angeles, ...
Examples of keywords for sports: Running, Recreation, Tivoli, Via Ferrata, ...
Examples of keywords for cultural activities: Salsa, Music, Guitar, Theater, ...
How does the search bar work?
The search bar finds words that are used in:
  • title of activity
  • content of activity
  • location of activity
  • keywords of activity
  • first/last name of the publisher
Why do I need to have an activity in the same category to be able to send private messages?

Private messages can be exchanged by users of the same category. This ensures that all users really take part in a certain activity. This way, a user can also check the knowledge or experience and other data of other users to consequently deem them as appropriate company for an activity.

What can I do if I want to contact a user when I don’t have an activity in the same category?

You can always comment on an activity. However, if you want to send a private message, you need to create an activity in the same category. You can do that by filling the form that shows up when you try sending a private message or manually, by clicking the round blue circle in the bottom right side of the screen.

What is a saved activity?
You can save an activity by clicking on the star ('Save'). The activity automatically gets saved when you comment or send a private message to the publisher. When an activity is saved, you can access it on your profile by clicking on the 'Saved' button. For your saved activities, you get notified via Email when a new comment gets posted.
Why do I receive Email notifications for new comments?

You get notifications when comments get posted for all your saved activities.
You can unsubscribe from Email notifications for an activity by removing it from saved activities. Just click on the star ('Remove').

Why do I receive Email notifications for new messages?

You receive Email notifications for every message you haven’t read yet.

I received an inappropriate message from another user. What should I do?
If you get a message that is inappropriate, please report it as such. You do that by clicking on 'Report inappropriate content'. Thanks! We try our best to retain the purpose of our platform - which is to find and search for activities. Every member that gets reported for inappropriate content more than 5 times will get blocked by our website’s administrator.
What does the button FIND COMPANY on activities of organizations do?
The button 'Find company' makes it possible for users to find other members to hang out with at offered organizational events. By clicking on the button, an activity via which a user is looking for company gets created. All individuals that are looking for company for an organizational offer are listed on the activity’s website under the section 'Users that are looking for company'. It is right below the 'Find company' button.
What does the button SIGN UP FOR TERM do for some activities?
The button 'Sign up for term' can be seen on activities that got published via the platform 'Študentska vadba'/'Šport na klik'. By clicking on it, you apply for exercise with the user that published the activity. The user is will be notified about your application. Semaforum is not responsible for payments or refunds of events. Read the terms and conditions of Semaforum and Šport na klik.
I forgot my password. How can I get a new one?
You can receive a new password by clicking the button 'Forgot password'. You can find it under the password box on the login and register pages.
Have a question that we did not answer above? Contact us!
